Tuesday, 27 October 2015

The Results are in....

After leaving the post up for a while to gauge reactions to the different paths that I could take, I have enough responses, both verbal and digital to make a decision on what to do next in terms of work....drum roll.....

The majority of people really like the image of the boy in red running towards the camera, and work that was similar to this concept. I have to admit that this is also my favourite image as I like the idea of tracking something through a series of movements. This is similar to Étienne-Jules Marey but with fewer image included to maintain an uncluttered feel to the images.

Here are some new ones that I have produced using the same techniques as before.

I took a set of images of my husband walking down a set of stairs, I then had to select the photos that would work, showing the sequence of walking down the stairs without overcrowding the image and also just laying images just because they were in the series that I took. The development included a large amount of manipulation to get the different positions in the right place so that they are visible in the final image. Once I had the sequence I was then able to experiment with the background and foreground colouring, as above shows the figures in colour and the background in black and white and then inverted on the second image. I am not sure which is my favourite out of the two as they bring different things to the image. The colours of the trees and the contrasting colours are really beautiful, whereas the coloured figures lead the eye through the sequence of movement.

I was having a bit of a A-Ha moment when I decided to create part of the image with a sketch effect, no idea where it came from as I was walking the dogs at the time and I don't listen to A-Ha either. I think it was a strange 6 degrees of separation thing where I was thinking of Bond movies - A-Ha did a Bond song - they did the video that was part sketch and part reality and there you go, the method of thinking behind this set of image. This was just a bit of fun, but I thought that I would post the results to see what people thought. The first image has the background as the sketch, with the second having the sequence of figures as the sketch with the background as black and white.

So what do we think of the next step?